Start date: Jan 13th, 2010
End date: Oct 9th, 2012
Completed so far: 30 out of 101
In progress: 11 out of 101
5. Work at a big biotech company
6. Program/Code something for fun
12. Learn Japanese
13. Learn Latin
14. Take an art/drawing class
15. Get promoted at a job
16. Get an A in a Bio class
17. Go to Magic Castle at night
18. Spend a day at the beach
19. Learn a cool magic trick
20. Learn how to snowboard toeside and hillside
21. Take a long walk on the beach at night
22. Attend a wedding
23. Attend a formal dinner party
24. Go to a black-tie event
26. Get a pedicure
27. Get a massage
29. Get my hair done for a special event
30. Go to a New Years' Eve party
36. Meet Orson Scott Card
38. Take studio pictures
39. Cook a meal for someone
41. Watch another musical
42. Watch Cirque du Soleil
43. Go to a professional tennis match
45. Ask for a guy's phone number
46. Go on a blind date
47. Go on a double date
49. Fall in love
50. Kiss in the rain
52. Dye my hair a different color
53. Get a cat
54. Get a dog
58. Be able to run a mile easily
59. Be able to do 20 pushups easily
61. Bring a friend home for the holidays
63. Make a foreign friend
64. Decorate my room
66. Get a blunt haircut
68. Fly first class
69. Travel to Europe
70. Travel to Japan
73. Travel with only one other person (that isn't family)
76. Go back to Toronto
77. Go to World Championships for Rubik's Cube
79. Get a sub-30 average for one-hand
80. Go to a Rubik's Cube competition in another country
81. Write a short story
82. Write a good fanfiction
83. Buy a designer handbag
86. Shoot a photoshoot for a magazine
89. Learn how to knit
90. Learn how to sew clothes
91. Learn a new pen trick
92. Shoot a wedding
93. Reread LOTR trilogy
94. Paint something on a canvas
95. Blog more regularly (once every 2 weeks)
97. Buy a piece of art
100. Buy flowers for someone
101. Learn to cook an exotic dish