Friday, October 24, 2008


Tonight we were dining at Crossroads when I suddenly noticed this girl's... "dress"

How does she walk around without flashing everyone? It's so short!

This was quite amusing to us, because my roommate Stephanie actually has the exact same article of clothing. Except... she wears it as a shirt.

How she wears it vs. how bad it looks as a dress.

We waited, took pictures of the evidence, and when we came home, she attempted to wear it as a dress. Epic fail. It is most definitely a shirt. Maybe it could pass for a skimpy nightgown. And I always thought when we tried wearing our skirts as dresses we were just messing around.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I Google myself regularly

I should really clean up after myself on the WWW. I've been using this "spiritgreen" thing for years, and when I search it on google odd things come up:

1. Legit, my livejournal <3
2. My attempt in middle school to create a forum for artists/writers everywhere. We reached 300 members and slowly died... should get rid of that
3.! Hopefully I'm not listening to a lot of angry music
4. Icon Journal

After the first page it gets a bit weirder:

1. Some weird asian girl took my name!
2. Deviantart! (mental note to delete some really crappy art)

And then there are bunch of posts from... slickdeals. But after that there are lovely people crediting me for use of my icons.

And I really don't know what I'm doing with this blog. I've been stalking around Blogger for a while now, and maybe this time I'm just going to quietly start posting and see if anyone notices. I need a better name.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Still figuring out the customizing HTML, should I make it awesome pretty or keep it simple? Banner, no banner? Decisions decisions...

I've missed this. I blame college.