1. Legit, my livejournal <3
2. My attempt in middle school to create a forum for artists/writers everywhere. We reached 300 members and slowly died... should get rid of that
3. Last.fm! Hopefully I'm not listening to a lot of angry music
4. Icon Journal
After the first page it gets a bit weirder:
1. Some weird asian girl took my name!
2. Deviantart! (mental note to delete some really crappy art)
And then there are bunch of posts from... slickdeals. But after that there are lovely people crediting me for use of my icons.
And I really don't know what I'm doing with this blog. I've been stalking around Blogger for a while now, and maybe this time I'm just going to quietly start posting and see if anyone notices. I need a better name.
I don't know why everyone is calling you a loser but I want to fit in so.... LOSERRRR
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