Thursday, November 12, 2009

Let your imagination take root...

A couple of days ago I had been thinking about my life back in high school/middle school compared to my college life. What did I do all the time, cooped up in my house after school with limited transportation and at times limited internet access? (dial-up netzero, anyone still remember that?)

Managing my own forum, of course.

(I had a thing for something-spirit-something)

Eventually became co-admined with KP, who made the latest layout. We had almost 2000 members and was actually pretty active at one point (until we stopped checking it).

Should I be worried that I managed to login to my admin account with my current password? That means I've been using this password for ~5 years...

Also, from 8 Top-Paying Part-Time Jobs for College Students
1) Computer Lab Assistant (on-campus)
This is me at work reading about what an awesome job I have. Go me!


KP said...

you should change your password

(is it legolas? keke)

Connie said...

2000? seriously? legit.

jfly said...

Lol. Dialup netzero? Classic! Remember Juno?

Theo Chao said...

except my job is better heh

Elaine said...

That's so awesome you started your own forum!! And it doesn't look like my job makes that much compared to those on the list!