Throughout all of this I thought I'd put together a small compilation of things I can always trust and believe in, because "some things never change."
1. Manga
I just read the 107th chapter of Full Metal Alchemist, a much-loved manga of mine. For a while it has been building up to this epic fight between the God-like evil antagonist figure and our heroes, Ed and Al and their friends. Of course it only follows that at the apex of the fight, when people have their eyes shot out or are impaled on the ground, that Al sacrifices himself for his brother. And because of his brother's undying love, Ed reaches into his deep reserves of emotional strength and begins to WIN.
Ed and all his friends. I wish I had this many friends.
As most fantasy fiction goes, in the end you win because of all the friends you made, supporting you, believing in you, filled with your heroic and selfless love. Then it turns out the antagonist's personal weakness is that he wishes he had such good friends as the protagonist. I can always trust this to be true and that is why manga is so satisfying in its EPIC-NESS.
2. Money
One can probably also count on money to be a definite universally influencing factor in our daily lives. This is probably why many people become workaholics and disregard others - they feel like people only disappoint, but money can always buy you what you want (if inflation isn't too high)
3. Music
Music is a great medium to channel in all your faith, because it won't run away from you, turn into something else, or stab you in the back. The same old song you loved a few years ago can help bring back the same good emotions when you listen to it again. How lovely.
4. Memories
Good memories cannot be ruined or taken away. That is why I keep a diary, to write them down and make sure I don't forget. Or take pictures. Now would also be a good opportunity for me to make a comparison of good memories to some sort of delicate and enticing chocolate desert, but I haven't thought of it yet.
What a Good Memory looks like.
For some reason all of these happened to begin with 'M'. These are all the ones I could think of.
1 comment:
You missed the most obvious one (besides myself). Hint: it's like sex, but simpler, cheaper, more dependable, and less tiring.
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