??: and tell her to get a external flash and not use the ghetto one that came with the camera lawl
??: but she has a good eye for aperture setting
??: just underexposed
??: a lot of her pics are like that
??: thats one of my underexposed shots
??: theres shadows overcasting the subject, making the color washed out
??: getting a polarizer helps ..
r: it's underexposed bc i dont have flash, genius
r: and i dont need a polarizer, i have photoshop
It was amusing until I still couldn't figure out who it was. I'm usually pretty good at these things :D Anyway, before a cute Nikon D40 or D60 magically drops in my lap, I have to stick to my huge fat D1H. To show him who's boss, I considered putting together an album of some of my better shots, but alas, all of the good shots have me in them (obviously).
But here are some of them anyway. Enjoy :]
Off-topic, but:
n: did baba and mama let you pierce your ears by any chance
n: did they say when you can?
r: no
r: like never
r: why?
n: oh
n: i kinda want one
get a D90 foo!
If you need some better looking models I'm available.
dangit that looks so retarded
ok well the first time I left off a word I meant to say
basically, hi connie, I like this, guess who, is that your brother that wants a piercing (piercing is the key word I left out), ok bye.
omg i totally had a dream where i was somewhere like the last picture, and jankowski was there except i think we were not in america. what???
if you have a job and use your own money to modify your body will they care?
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