Sunday, November 16, 2008

Berkeley Fall 2008!

Wow I haven't done an average in competition for so long. Even though I wanted at least a sub-25 average I knew I could've done way better...

I just discovered Vista's Snip tool so this is really fun:

My fastest time yesterday was slower than my times at Nationals

I didn't make the 2nd round either... only 36 out of like 60 T_T What happened to all my goals? Oh yea, school.

At least I got a sub-2mins in 4x4, didn't practice for this. But the 2nd solve had weird edges so I just gave up. To avoid another 4-min solve.

I am going to practice during Christmas break!! I can't believe it's almost been a year since I made this sign. Jeremy has been taking good care of it :]

Adam lurvs the sign.

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