Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pet Peeves: Not Being On Time

Since I try my best not to be emo on this blog, I think I should be able to rant. So I'm going to start a series on my pet peeves. Something I'm passionate about, right? First one is

Not Being On Time D:

Once upon a time, a long long time ago, before cell phones and text messaging, people were on time. You tell someone you'll meet them at 1pm, you get there maybe 5-10 minutes before 1pm so you can be there for the whole span from 12:55pm to 1:05pm. Your friend, being a responsible individual who would never want to keep you waiting, will show up in that time interval. People waste hardly any time and everything proceeds on schedule.

I remember in high school, I had two good friends who were ALWAYS ON TIME, if not early. Those were the days. I could always expect these two to show up right on the dot. I remember one time when a group of us were meeting, and when I arrive early, I knew that my on-time friend would be the next to come. And he does, right on time.


Maybe we all need an ominous lizard clock to keep track of time.

Nowadays, with Berkeley time and iPhones and the extinction of watches, I am constantly judging and considering and making sure I show up at the right time, if not on time. No one wants to be the one waiting around. Party starts at 9? Show up at 11. Meet me in 15? For some, that means 30. I'll call you back at 2? No call ever. (actually that's unrelated and a different story)

After a year of people being late, I am late too. This makes me sad. I remember one time when I tried to use my late-time-judgement, but I still ended up waiting 40+ minutes... it was cold too! WTF. Is it so hard to be present at a time you determine without calling or canceling or running late? What happened to the common courtesy that says you shouldn't call last minute to change plans?

Ed from FMA is good at knowing what's important.

I am a very punctual person. I always arrive exactly when I want to arrive. But being at college has screwed me all up! I am actually late sometimes, but then other people are always late-r.

And now I'm going through all the times when someone's kept me waiting. All it says is that you don't consider the other person important enough to be on time and not waste their time. The more I think about it, the more annoyed I get. So I'm going to stop.

But remember kids, after five minutes means you're LATE. Not fifteen.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I just realized that Britney Spears' new video is out. And wow, much as I make fun of her and scorn her, I have to admit that this is really good. At least a huge improvement over her videos for Gimme More and Piece of Me, where all she did was wiggle around a little, half-asleep. Granted, in this one she wiggles around naked and wet, but I can definitely see the old Britney in here.

Ah, what is it about her that makes it impossible for me to hate her? Perhaps the childhood memories associated with her Oops I did it Again album? How cute and innocent and pretty she used to be? I think I've just forgotten how attractive she still can be.

Ok, so things I liked about the video:
-The guy that whips around and gets dressed just like that
-Britney whipping around and magically changing her clothes and hair
-The bit at 2:09 where everyone's hair gets blown around, that was way hot

Yes that's about it. In some parts she tosses her hair and grabs ties a bit too much, but at least she seems energetic. Also she plays like 4 different characters! So talented. And that was sarcastic. But I'd have to say this is a decent comeback for her.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Berkeley Fall 2008!

Wow I haven't done an average in competition for so long. Even though I wanted at least a sub-25 average I knew I could've done way better...

I just discovered Vista's Snip tool so this is really fun:

My fastest time yesterday was slower than my times at Nationals

I didn't make the 2nd round either... only 36 out of like 60 T_T What happened to all my goals? Oh yea, school.

At least I got a sub-2mins in 4x4, didn't practice for this. But the 2nd solve had weird edges so I just gave up. To avoid another 4-min solve.

I am going to practice during Christmas break!! I can't believe it's almost been a year since I made this sign. Jeremy has been taking good care of it :]

Adam lurvs the sign.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I love shoes bags boys

Yes, so today I'm going to discuss bags. Or more specifically, this bag:

Doesn't it look fantastic and amazing? Such a handy cube shape too, and since it has so many colors it will match any outfit! Score!

This model really manages to show off how amazing this bag is. The dalmatian look really completes it.

One downside. If you really want to seem like a hardcore cuber, this bag may not be the right fit. If you noticed, on the first picture, there is a red-orange side, and a white-yellow corner. These pieces do not exist on a traditionally colored cube. Only if you're retarded and don't know the order of the colors. In the model picture, it looks like there's a corner with two white sides. Sigh, amateurs. Experienced cubers will notice this at once. But to everyone else, having this bag will make you look super smart and classy.

I personally cannot afford the $18, I would rather buy a real cube or a real timer. But this is a must-have for you, you can purchase it here


Sunday, November 9, 2008

How to Meet Guys (and vice versa)

So you all know that I'm an old pro at meeting boys and being social, so I thought I'd share a few tips. Follow these easy steps and you will meet someone amazing in no time. This should work for guys to meet girls too, though I've never tried.

Keep in mind that this has already worked for me like three times in the past year and so this qualifies me as an expert.

Step 1: Meet your boy at a party/social gathering
What better way to meet your next soul mate but at a rockin' party? Hopefully you will have dressed up a bit, so you'll be looking your best, surrounded by your girlfriends who love you (but make sure they don't look better than you). I am telling you, this is the best setting possible to reveal to your potential boy how interesting and outgoing and fun you really are! If you're too scared to talk to them, you can always accidentally "bump" into them or "start dancing" with them.

Looking like a freako skeleton is not advised.

Step 2: Go home and friend him on Facebook
After you two have a scintillating conversation and a fantastic time and head on home, make sure you remember his name so you can stalk add him on Facebook! This step is very crucial. Hopefully you picked someone who will remember you, and after he confirms you will have access to a wealth of knowledge!

Step 3: Learn about him (through Facebook)
Be sure to memorize everything about him on Facebook, from his favorite bands/movies/websites to all his interests and go through all his pictures. If you want to go one step further - you should go through all his friends too. Getting to know people face-to-face is so last year, it's so much easier to do it over the web!

Totally not creepy at all!

Step 4: Contact him
You should start off by posting on his Wall with something like "I had a great time last night~~~~~!!!! :)" or something witty about his profile "OMG I love bungee jumping too!!~~!~! :)" If he has some sort of IM client you should definitely contact him there. Remember that there is a small window of time right after you meet when it won't be too creepy to contact him. After like a week or so, if you keep spamming him with happy faces it gets a little weird. Plus he's probably already forgotten you by then.

After this point it is mostly up to you to show him that you are an attractive and interesting individual who would be perfect for him. Share your interests ("...I like rabbits") Suggest late-night hang out sessions to "study." Or grab a late-night snack together. The key word is late-night. Everything looks better in the dark.

Actually I just got kind of bored after the fourth step. So that's all I have, four easy steps! Hope that helps. Good luck, you'll probably need it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

It's election day! I didn't like being left out, so I went to Starbucks and got a free tall coffee anyway. Ha! Take that! I cube for the USA, and still I have to pay $600 to vote. They wouldn't even let me work the polls in high school!

Also, Orlando Bloom supports Barack Obama. He was making phone calls to voters, but I guess he missed me because I can't vote.

There are very few things I would not do for this man. I have been loyal to him since the 7th grade. Plus we have the same birthday. It's bound to happen soon.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Gossip Girl vs. The OC

So this Josh Schwartz guy, creator of both the OC and Gossip Girl, two hit shows, must be one creative guy. So creative that he reuses all the characters/crazy themes from the OC in Gossip Girl. I think someone has already done this comparison, but mine is better. I will break it down step-by-step for you:

1. Serena van der Woodsen is Marissa Cooper

Troubled, likes to abuse substances, really long hair. Impossibly tall. So self-righteous because they're the emo dramatic heroine so they should always be right. Marissa died off in the OC, maybe they'll do the same for Serena...? just kidding. But I still don't like her.

2. Blair Waldorf is Summer Roberts

The snobby best friend to the dramatic heroine, significantly shorter. Both are more gorgeous than their BFFs, in my opinion. Also way more interesting. Blair is a bit more evil, but both like to do their scheming.

3. Nate Archibald is Ryan Atwood

Quiet and brooding, both of these characters seem to only have one expression. Always emo. I'm guessing that they're on the show for eye candy, although I can't see why Ryan would count...

4. Vanessa Abrams is Theresa Diaz
I couldn't find a good picture of Theresa, so no pics. This is basically the childhood girlfriend/love of Dan/Ryan. She shows up looking hot, confident, and just really annoying.

5. They all get into impossible schools
Okay, I can understand the GG group getting into Ivy Leagues because of their impossibly rich parents who have a lot of influence. This is a lot more believable than the educational pursuits of the OC group. Although I do remember Nate saying that Dartmouth was his backup school while USC is his first choice... ha. ha.

In the OC, UC Berkeley is the school to go to. Although these characters never seem to study, they are still able to get into the #1 public school in the nation. Apparently they easily accept girls like Marissa (alcoholic, shot a guy, suicidal), who also THROWS HER ACCEPTANCE LETTER IN THE TRASH. :O

In fact, the OC likes Berkeley so much, this is how they shoot it in the show:

At least they have the Cal logo right, but where is this? Not on the real campus..

They say they're at a DC, but which one? None of them are on campus...

I understand if they didn't shoot AT Brown, since it's far, but Berkeley is so close! A little more realism would've been nice.

And they deliver. One shot of VLSB, hurrah.

Also, when Seth doesn't get into Brown, he's screwed. In the OC, characters only apply to one school. Applying to backups are so unnecessary even though their parents are loaded.

6. In conclusion...
But, as my roommate pointed out, after all the similarities/weirdness/general wtf, is there a Chuck Bass on the OC? NO. Which is why, at the end of the day, GG > OC.

(btw, does Blogger do LJ-cuts?)